I'm going to drop a couple of stars for this. I bought a grey one last November. I thought it was so pretty and was planning on using it on warmer months. I finally got to use it early this summer but after a couple of wears, the pull tab for one of the zippers fell off. I inquired about a replacement but they didn't offer it and it was beyond the time period they could exchange it. Everything else about the bag was fine except this pull tab. So I was stuck with $85 item and was going to find a way to replace the tab somehow but using a paperclip in the interim. Then they had a sale recently and since I was annoyed at the missing pull tab, I went and bought another one (same colour because I loved it so much) for $50. I figure I'll deal with the extra bag later. But when I got the new bag, the material was so much worse than the one I bought in November. My first one has a finer weave, softer material and it looked satiny. The recent one I bought was more canvas-like in material, stiffer with less give and didn't have the same shine. Ugh... if these were $30 bags, I wouldn't care as much but now I'm just annoyed that I spent over $135 on this. Sorry! I'm all for supporting our Canadian women businesses with products I'm interested in but this experience was irritating.